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Virtual Reality

Meditation Scape

Digital rendering of a VR environment with a prism-like structure surrounded by opaque clouds and a starry sky
DATE: Spring 2022

Oculus Quest

Mediation Scape was the final project of my Advanced Graphic Design Studio for Spring 2022, taught by Elif Sener. During the semester we focused on how new technology can play a role in improving therapy and mental health. We studied key terms relating to anxiety and mental health disorders, as well as VR's affordances of presence, ego-centric point of view, and immersion. My final project was designed to explore how VR meditation can help individuals mitigate the effects of general stress and anxiety. I started by researching the topic and conducting interviews, then developed a concept informed by my research and outlined it with a storyboard. After this phase of preliminary research, I was given 3 weeks to develop my idea into an interactive VR prototype. Having no prior experience with Unity or VR, I spent long hours in the lab learning the program, building 3D environments, troubleshooting code, and understanding VR equipment. My final design emphasized three core interactions and was presented using an Oculus Quest. ​This project was the most intense challenge of my design education, but it provided me with an opportunity to step out of my comfort zone, take risks, and experiment with abstract ideas. It strengthened my resilience and problem-solving. After Final Review, our VR projects were exhibited at NC State University's D.H. Hill Library.

Developed in Unity for Oculus Quest 2, Meditation Scape is a VR meditation space that the user can customize before starting their session. It's designed to more seamlessly transition the user from reality to virtual reality, and give them a sense of connection to the virtual environment that they're meditating in. 


In this VR meditation experience, the user is transported to a peaceful virtual environment. They are prompted to form an enclosure around themselves by connecting various points. When the user has completed their structure, they can interact with UI elements within their personal space to make changes to their environment.
The planes of the structure will fade in and out when the user transitions between surroundings. The user can also toggle the transparency of the planes to customize their viewing experience of the space.

The visual style emphasizes peacefulness and simplicity with a calming color palette and panoramic nature scenes. The soft, dim lighting creates a dream-like environment that eases the mind and helps with  relaxation. This experience emphasizes visual and auditory modalities to facilitate meditation, although a kinetic aspect is introduced through the user interface and interactables.

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