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Packaging Design


Product packaging mockup of BAND-AID boxes with cell patterns and illustrations
DATE: Spring 2021

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop

The design was inspired by the fascinating placebo effect that Band-Aids have on children at a young age. Without understanding how they work, kids believe that Band-Aids possess a kind of magic that can soothe their cuts and scrapes. This box design helps draw a connection between the magic of Band-Aids and the body's natural healing process, displaying content in a similar way as a cereal box. It features a playful pattern of illustrations depicting blood cells and platelets, with a diagram of how the body heals wounds. The box opens like a drawer to make it more convenient to see the bandages and choose the right size. The drawer also features illustrated instructions for how to put on a Band-Aid, so kids can feel proud about learning to do it themselves.

This alternate product packaging for BAND-AID® was created for my Advanced Graphic Design Studio. Recognizing the special role that Band-aids play during childhood, I created a box design that appeals to kids through educational illustrations and diagrams.

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